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Studio Branca Blog

So, you are ready to pursue your dreams and become a cosmetologist. You have researched schools, you may even have a dream salon all lined up to apply at after you are done. You may even currently work part-time at the desk of one.
But all of that planning and prepping might not give you a realistic picture of what you are heading into.
If you are ready to enter the world of cosmetology, here are five things to keep in mind as you prepare to begin your new career.

Ready for Salon life

  • Willingness To Talk To Anyone

    While being shy is not necessarily a deal breaker for a future as a cosmetologist, it definitely helps to be willing to strike up a conversation with anyone. You will have people from all walks of life in your chair, and having a good conversation with them is definitely what salons are known for. Get ready to learn about people and histories in a way you haven’t thought about.

  • Flex For The Good and Bad

    While it is true that a career in cosmetology is known for its flexibility, that flexibility goes both ways. It can be flexible for you, and you will have to be flexible for it. Being that flexible can be a bit trying in the beginning, but once you get used to it it can reveal a rewarding schedule that can benefit your life.

  • Work Hard, Play Hard

    You have probably heard this adage for years, but now you will get a chance to experience it. Even if you work for a salon you will still be doing a lot of legwork to build your clientele. It will be hard work, but all of the work can reap amazing rewards in the long term, as well as a client list you can be proud of.

  • Stand Up Tall

    With all of that hard work building your clientele comes a lot of time on your feet. So much so that purchasing a good pair of sturdy, well-supported shoes should be high on your list. And don’t dig on compression socks, they will be your life saver! Are you ready to hit 10,000 steps every day? It will be easy-peasy on the floor of a salon.

  • Thick Skin Required

    While your ultimate goal is to make each and every one of your clients happy, sometimes that doesn’t always happen. And sometimes those unhappy customers can be very loud; you are going to need to develop a thick skin and master keeping a level head in confrontation in order to weather some of these storms, but you can do it!

Still have questions? Make an appointment for one of our amazing services and witness from the other side of the chair what salon life is like!
Let us make your tresses as brilliant as the future ahead of you!

Ready for Salon life